Top 4 best seller Hydrangea flowers in Yiwu China

Top 4 best seller Hydrangea flowers, wholesale in Yiwu China, for wedding, events decoration. See price, minimum order quantity, delivery time etc.

Top 1:

1-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-1Top 1 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 1
  • Price: 4.90 RMB / 0.70 USD / 0.65 EUR
  • Colors: 7

1-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-2Top 1 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 2
  • branch: 5
  • leaf: 2

1-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-4Top 1 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 4
  • Flower size: 19 cm
  • Overall height: 47 cm
  • Weight: 45 g

1-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-3Top 1 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 3
  • MOQ(minimum order quantity): 240 pcs
  • Lead time: 3 days

Top 2:

2-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-1Top 2 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 1
  • Price: 7.00 RMB / 1.00 USD / 0.93 EUR

2-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-3Top 2 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 2
  • branch: 11
  • petals: 176
  • leaf: 3

2-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-2Top 2 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 3
  • Flower size: 19 cm
  • Overall height: 55
  • Weight: 60 g

2-hydrangea-flowers-artificial-wholesale-yiwu-China-3Top 2 hydrangea flowers artificial wholesale in Yiwu China, 4
  • Colors: 15 
  • MOQ(minimum order quantity): 240 pcs
  • Lead time: 3 days

Top 3:

3-hydrangea-flowers-fake-wholesale-yiwu-China-1Top 3 hydrangea flowers fake wholesale in Yiwu China, 1
  • Price: 3.90 RMB / 0.55 USD / 0.52 EUR
  • Color: 6

3-hydrangea-flowers-fake-wholesale-yiwu-China-2Top 3 hydrangea flowers fake wholesale in Yiwu China, 2
  • Overall height: 30 cm
  • Weight: 45 g

  • MOQ(minimum order quantity): 360 pcs
  • Lead time: 3 days

Top 4:

4-hydrangea-flowers-silk-wholesale-yiwu-China-1Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, 1
  • Price: 0.53 RMB / 0.08 USD / 0.07 EUR

Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, 2Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, 2
  • Flower size: 19 cm
  • Flower petal: 27 pcs
  • Stem: plastic with thin steel wire inside
  • Color: 36

Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, color swatch 1color swatch 1
Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, color swatch 2color swatch 2
Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, color swatch 3Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, color swatch 3
Top 4 hydrangea silk flowers wholesale Yiwu China, color swatch 4color swatch 4

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