"well educated, always on time and very professional. i advise you to meet him in person!"

by Marco

*Below is a reference email between Marco and a new buyer Mr. IR(only use abbreviation here). Mr. IR wants to appoint Jack's company as his agent in Yiwu, but still hesitate...

Dear Mr Tonelli,

I understand that Jack Yang asked you telephonically to act as reference for him and his company. I have been to Yiwu several times in the past but due to the fact that I have left and sold my shares in the previous company I worked for, I can no longer make use of the agent I used to work with.

I would appreciate if you could answer the following questions:

1. How would you rate the quality of Jack’s buying agent(s), i.e. command of English language, ability to understand your requests, knowledge of the market, negotiating skills, handling of shop personnel?

---Jack speaks good english. Not perfect, but who does? The good thing is, that Jack asks if he does not understand. A lot of Chinese say that they understand but in fact they did not (happend to me a million times). I had never a problem speaking with Jack.

2. Have you ever been confronted with an additional charge by Jack or his staff that you were not aware of upfront?

---No I have not. Jack is very fair. But sometimes you do not know what can happend on the way ... but to answer your question: I never paid a $ more than fixed.

3. What payment terms (i.e. Letter of Credit, telegraphic transfer) have you agreed and what due dates?

---This is really personal and I think it really depends on the relation ship you have with Jack. As I work now quite long with Jack I might have some other payment terms than new costumers.

4. Have you ever had discrepancies w.r.t items ordered/paid and items received (quality and quantity)?

---No. But I am sure if Jack checks the goods and there is something wrong he would imnmediately contact you.

5. Has Jack or his staff kept you advised of critical dates (i.e. delivery of stock to collection point, shipment dates, delays, etc.)

---You can be sure of one thing: Jack is a very reliable person. I met also his wife and his son. I can tell you he is an exception in Yiwu. He is on time in meetings, he anwers email as quick as possible and he is a good man to deal with. I spent last time 3 weeks in Yiwu and I saw Jack very often.

6. If your goods were shipped FCL , FCL/LCL or LCL, how would you rate the quality of the packing and packaging, including markings of cartons, at the destination point?

---Here is a strong advise. Spent some money more and ask Jack to pack the goods in good cartons. Very often the packaging from the factories are very very very bad. So you have to order good packaging. I am sure that Jack can help you here.

7. Have you ever experienced problems with shipping documents which resulted in delays, extra charges at port of entry, queries from customs, etc. as a result of neglect or oversight on Jack’s part?

---No but the moment I have my own Partner in Ningbo who ships everything for me. I know that shipping is a very complex issue but I am sure that Jack will do the very best.

--- I really can advise you to work with Jack. He is older (31) than the other Chinese agents in Yiwu (they are around 20, or behaved like 20), well educated, always on time and very professional. i advise you to meet him in person!

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely


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Jul 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

er er

Apr 06, 2011
Thanks for sharing
by: Jack

Thanks Marco, i didn't realize that i own so much high complementaries ;-)

See you soon.

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