- Dec. 09, 2024 updated | Yiwu city, China.
From Yiwu cargo station to Erenhot cargo station, the boarder between China and Mongolia.
1CBM ->120kg (to decide if the cargo is classified as light goods or heavy goods).
*In certain cases this may not apply, for example, products packed with wooden cases.
*This price also not apply during peak season, for example, before Chinese New Year holiday.
3 days, trucks daily. Load today and arrive the day after tomorrow.
*The total drive time for trucks one way is a little over 30 hours from Yiwu to Erlian(Erenhot / Эрээн хот).
Required but fairly cheap. Usually 5% of the products value.
Not included.
Mongolian customers need to pick up from Erlian /Erenhot then take care of the customs.
Usually this is done by a Mongolian forwarder.
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