
His services as an agent was more than satisfying and his honesty and fairness made us feel right at home half of way across the world from home...

by Mo
(Denver CO USA)

Late in 2009 I learned about the Yiwu fair in China, I had been searching the internet for wholesale markets and found some general information about Yiwu and its fair.

As I spent more time researching I found out that there was plenty of info. about the fair but not much on how to get there and what to do once I arrived in China. I was planning a business trip to China and new nothing about the process.

I spent countless hours on the web and days on the phone trying to find someone who would point me to the right direction. Towards the end of my search I felt like I was not ready to attend this years fair and maybe by next year I'll have more info and guidance to where I would plan and coordinate a trip comfortably.

That was when I ran across Jack site and read his helpful comments. I emailed him not knowing what he was about or if he would respond. The next day I received an email from him, after reading his response I felt great, still the fair was getting closer and I had done nothing. Soon Jack and I were in contact daily and he helped me coordinate my first trip to China.

I don't want to take too much of you time with the details but everyone should know, if you have found Jack and his services then know that you have found a friend the China.

My self and three business partners arrived in Shanghai airport and fount Jack holding my name up in the crowd, we walked up to him and meet him for the first time. He transported us to Yiwu and straight to out hotel, and the rest was history.

His services as an agent was more than satisfying and his honesty and fairness made us feel right at home half of way across the world from home.

Jack is now our company agent and my personal friend in China.

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May 01, 2012
a long comment
by: Anonymous

a long comment

Feb 08, 2010
by: Anonymous


Jan 14, 2010
by: Anonymous

really brilliant

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