Promotional Cap Yiwu China


  • Over 400 suppliers in Yiwu market. Over half can customize for promotional gifts and souvenirs.
  • Small MOQ (minimum order quantity).
  • Good price.

Recommended Supplier:

Good Promotional Hats/Caps Supplier in China YiwuGood Promotional Hats/Caps Supplier in China Yiwu
  • Not manufacturer but works with muti factories for long time.
  • Very organized and professional follow up orders.
  • Very young & hard-working.
  • Supplied us since 2015 for 20,000+ hats. Was a pleasant cooperation.

Product Showcase:

Price List / Catalog:

Price list sample for hats & caps in Yiwu ChinaPrice list sample for hats & caps in Yiwu China

Some Caps We Did:

Promotional Cap Yiwu ChinaPromotional Cap Yiwu China
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 1-11-1
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 1-21-2
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 1-31-3
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 22
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 2-12-1
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 2-22-2
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 33
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 3-13-1
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 3-23-2
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 3-33-3
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 44
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 4-14-1
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 4-24-2
Promotional Cap Yiwu China 4-34-3

Our Experience & Expertise:

We helped one US(Florida) customer since 2013 for hats and caps. One Myanmar customer for 25th same games. Shipped hundreds of thousands caps and hats. No severe complaints so far.

We have reliable suppliers on hand with constant quality.

Our Professional:

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Phone/WhatsApp Number: +86-15924286660

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