Yiwu China Zip Code

Yiwu China Zip Code

Yiwu China zip code is 322000. Some people call it postal code.

Different towns and districts in Yiwu may have different last 3 digits like 001, 002, 003, but they all share a same 3 begin digits 322.

For example, Fotang town in Yiwu has a zip code of 322004, Houzhao town has another zip code of 322005. But Yiwu downtown or we say Yiwu city area all have 322000.

Tips: you can simply put 322000 as zip code for all your parcels to Yiwu. This parcel will firstly arrive in Yiwu, then it's easy to go to different areas of Yiwu.

China Zip Code

All China zip codes are made up of 6 digits. The first 2 digits stands for province and city, the third digits stands for a postal region, the last two digits stands for different post offices within a city.

You can also find some exceptions like 100808 for China Postal Corp. and 100101 for Beijing Asian Games village... but most zip codes in China are within above rules.

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